local Vector3_new, Vector2_new = Vector3.new, Vector2.new local Color3_new, Color3_fromHSV, Color3_fromRGB, Color3_toHSV = Color3.new, Color3.fromHSV, Color3.fromRGB, Color3.toHSV local CFrame_lookAt, CFrame_Angles, CFrame_new = CFrame.lookAt, CFrame.Angles, CFrame.new local random, math_log, pi, cos, round, huge = Random.new(), math.log, math.pi, math.cos, math.round, math.huge local pi2, pi_2 = pi / 2, pi * 2 local UDim2_fromScale = UDim2.fromScale local TweenService, Debris, RunService = game:GetService("TweenService"), game:GetService("Debris"), game:GetService("RunService") local ColorSequence_new, ColorSequenceKeypoint_new = ColorSequence.new, ColorSequenceKeypoint.new local wait = task.wait local Character = owner.Character local RootPart = Character.HumanoidRootPart local RightArm, RootJoint, Humanoid = Character["Right Arm"], RootPart.RootJoint, Character.Humanoid Humanoid.DisplayName = "Rar Cube Wielder" Humanoid.NameDisplayDistance = huge local DefaultStudsOffset, DefaultGuiPosition, DefaultGrip, DefaulthandleSize = Vector3_new(0, 10), UDim2_fromScale(.375, .375), CFrame_new(), Vector3_new(1, 1, 1) local _Gui = Instance.new("BillboardGui", RootPart) _Gui.Size = UDim2_fromScale(120, 40) _Gui.StudsOffset = DefaultStudsOffset local Gui = Instance.new("Frame") Gui.Size = UDim2_fromScale(.25, .125) Gui.Position = DefaultGuiPosition Gui.BackgroundTransparency = 1 local Main = Instance.new("Frame", Gui) Main.Name = "Main" Main.BackgroundColor3 = Color3_new() Main.BackgroundTransparency = .9 Main.Size = UDim2_fromScale(1,.7) Main.Position = UDim2_fromScale(0, .3) Instance.new("UICorner", Main).CornerRadius = UDim.new(.2) local Name = Instance.new("TextBox", Main) Name.Name = "PlayerName" Name.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Name.Position = UDim2_fromScale(.1, .1) Name.Size = UDim2_fromScale(.4, .4) Name.Font = Enum.Font.SciFi Name.Text = owner.Name Name.TextColor3 = Color3_new(1, 1, 1) Name.TextScaled = true Name.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left local BeamBar = Instance.new("Frame", Main) BeamBar.Name = "BeamBar" BeamBar.Position = UDim2_fromScale(.1, .55) BeamBar.Size = UDim2_fromScale(.85, .35) Instance.new("UICorner", BeamBar).CornerRadius = UDim.new(1) local Gradient = Instance.new("UIGradient", BeamBar) Gradient.Color = ColorSequence_new({ ColorSequenceKeypoint_new(0, Color3_new(0, .5, 1)), ColorSequenceKeypoint_new(.5, Color3_fromRGB(191, 229, 225)), ColorSequenceKeypoint_new(1, Color3_new(0, .5, 1)) }) Gradient.Rotation = 90 local BeamText = Name:Clone() BeamText.Name = "BeamText" BeamText.Parent = BeamBar BeamText.Size = UDim2_fromScale(1, 1) BeamText.Position = UDim2_fromScale() BeamText.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Center BeamText.TextStrokeColor3 = Color3_new(0, .5, 1) BeamText.TextStrokeTransparency = 0 BeamText.Text = "100%ϟ" local _UserPic = Instance.new("Frame", Gui) _UserPic.Name = "_UserPic" _UserPic.Size = UDim2_fromScale(1.05, 1.05) _UserPic.Position = UDim2_fromScale(0, .475) _UserPic.AnchorPoint = Vector2_new(.5, .5) _UserPic.BackgroundColor3 = Color3_new(1, 1, 1) _UserPic.BackgroundTransparency = .7 Instance.new("UIAspectRatioConstraint", _UserPic) Instance.new("UICorner", _UserPic).CornerRadius = UDim.new(1) local UserPic = Instance.new("ImageButton", Gui) UserPic.Name = "UserPic" UserPic.Size = UDim2_fromScale(1, 1) UserPic.Position = UDim2_fromScale(0, .475) UserPic.AnchorPoint = Vector2_new(.5, .5) UserPic.BackgroundColor3 = Color3_new() Instance.new("UIAspectRatioConstraint", UserPic) UserPic.Image = "https://www.roblox.com/headshot-thumbnail/image?userId="..owner.UserId.."&width=420&height=420&format=png" Instance.new("UICorner", UserPic).CornerRadius = UDim.new(1) local Backpack = owner.Backpack local Gear = Instance.new("Tool", Backpack) local Handle = Instance.new("Part", Gear) Handle.Name = "Handle" Handle.Material = Enum.Material.Neon Handle.Massless = true Handle.CanCollide = false Handle.Locked = true Handle.Size = DefaulthandleSize Handle.Color = Color3_new() local Light = Instance.new("PointLight", RootPart) Light.Brightness = 5 Light.Range = 10 Light.Enabled = false local Song = Instance.new("Sound", RightArm) Song.Looped = true Song.Name = "DESTROYEROFWORLDS" Song.SoundId = "rbxassetid://1608310113" Song.Volume = 2 Instance.new("FlangeSoundEffect", Song) local SongAt = 0 local ShadowTweenInfo, ShadowTweenDict = TweenInfo.new( 1, Enum.EasingStyle.Exponential, Enum.EasingDirection.Out ), { Transparency = 1 } local GripGoal, SizeGoal, Loudness, Forwards = nil, nil, 0, Vector3_new(0, 0, .5) local NumberSequence_new, NumberSequenceKeypoint_new, NumberRange_new = NumberSequence.new, NumberSequenceKeypoint.new, NumberRange.new local ParticleAttacment = Instance.new("Attachment", RightArm) local Epikparticle = Instance.new("ParticleEmitter", ParticleAttacment) Epikparticle.LightEmission = 1 Epikparticle.LightInfluence = 0 Epikparticle.Size = NumberSequence_new( { NumberSequenceKeypoint_new(0, 1.2, .5), NumberSequenceKeypoint_new(1, .4, .4) } ) Epikparticle.Transparency = NumberSequence_new( { NumberSequenceKeypoint_new(0, 0), NumberSequenceKeypoint_new(1, .9, .1) } ) Epikparticle.Lifetime = NumberRange_new(.7) Epikparticle.Rotation = NumberRange_new(-360, 360) Epikparticle.RotSpeed = NumberRange_new(-360, 360) Epikparticle.Speed = NumberRange_new(10, 40) Epikparticle.SpreadAngle = Vector2_new(360, 20) Epikparticle.Acceleration = Vector3_new(0, -60, 0) Epikparticle.Drag = 1.5 Epikparticle.Enabled = false Epikparticle.EmissionDirection = Enum.NormalId.Left local CurrentPos, CurrentRot = DefaultGuiPosition + UDim2_fromScale(), 0 local Equipped, Unequipped = function(Time) local _Loudness = (Loudness % 1) * pi_2 Time = (Time/5 % 1) * pi_2 SongAt = Song.TimePosition CurrentPos = CurrentPos:Lerp(DefaultGuiPosition + UDim2_fromScale(cos(Time) * .05, cos(Time * 2 - pi2) * .125), .1) CurrentRot = CurrentRot * .9 + cos(Time + pi2) * 2 local Color = Color3_new(cos(_Loudness) * .2 + .2, cos(_Loudness/5) * .1 + .1, cos(_Loudness * 3) * .5 + .5) Handle.Color = Color Light.Color = Color Handle.Size = Handle.Size:Lerp(DefaulthandleSize:Lerp(SizeGoal, Loudness) - SizeGoal, .1) Handle.Transparency = Loudness / 5 Gear.Grip = Gear.Grip:Lerp(DefaultGrip:Lerp(GripGoal, Loudness) + Forwards * Loudness, .05) local Shadow = Handle:Clone() TweenService:Create(Shadow, ShadowTweenInfo, ShadowTweenDict):Play() local Weld = Instance.new("Weld", Shadow) Weld.Part0 = Shadow Weld.Part1 = RightArm Weld.C0 = Shadow.CFrame:ToObjectSpace(RightArm.CFrame) Shadow.Parent = Gear Debris:AddItem(Shadow, 1) end,function(Time) Time = (Time/5 % 1) * pi_2 CurrentPos = CurrentPos:Lerp(DefaultGuiPosition + UDim2_fromScale(cos(Time) * .025, cos(Time * 2 - pi2) * .0625), .1) CurrentRot = CurrentRot * .9 + cos(Time + pi2) * 1.125 end local Connection = RunService.Stepped:Connect(Unequipped) Gear.Equipped:Connect(function() Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 30 Light.Enabled = true if not Song.Parent then Song = Instance.new("Sound", RightArm) end Song.Looped = true Song.Name = "DESTROYEROFWORLDS" Song.SoundId = "rbxassetid://1608310113" Song.Volume = 2 Song.PlaybackSpeed = 1 Song.TimePosition = SongAt Song:Resume() Gear.Grip = DefaultGrip GripGoal = CFrame_Angles(random:NextNumber(-pi2, pi2), random:NextNumber(-pi2, pi2), pi) Handle.Size = DefaulthandleSize SizeGoal = DefaulthandleSize * random:NextNumber(2, 3) Connection:Disconnect() Connection = RunService.Stepped:Connect(Equipped) end) Gear.Unequipped:Connect(function() Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 16 Light.Enabled = false Song:Pause() Connection:Disconnect() Connection = RunService.Stepped:Connect(Unequipped) end) local VineBoom = Instance.new("Sound") VineBoom.PlayOnRemove = true VineBoom.SoundId = "rbxassetid://6823153536" local GearEvent = Instance.new("RemoteEvent", Gear) GearEvent.Name = "GearEvent" local AttackParticle = Instance.new("Part") AttackParticle.Size = Vector3_new() AttackParticle.Material = Enum.Material.Neon AttackParticle.Shape = Enum.PartType.Cylinder AttackParticle.Anchored = true AttackParticle.Locked = true AttackParticle.CanTouch = false AttackParticle.CastShadow = false local AttackRotation = CFrame_Angles(0, pi2, 0) local ReferenceShock = AttackParticle:Clone() ReferenceShock.Transparency = .4 ReferenceShock.Color = Color3_new(1, 1, 1) ReferenceShock.CanCollide = false local ShockMesh = Instance.new("SpecialMesh", ReferenceShock) ShockMesh.MeshId = "rbxassetid://6862105399" local DefaultShockScale = Vector3_new(0.4, 1, 0.4) ShockMesh.Scale = DefaultShockScale local ShockRotation = CFrame_Angles(0, pi2, pi2) local BeamTweenInfo, BeamTweenDict, ShockTweenInfo, ShockTweenDict1, ShockTweenDict2, ShockTweenDict3 = TweenInfo.new( .05, Enum.EasingStyle.Bounce, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut, 5, true ), { Size = nil, Transparency = 1, Color = Color3_new(1, 1, 1) },TweenInfo.new( .5, Enum.EasingStyle.Exponential, Enum.EasingDirection.Out ), { Scale = nil }, { Transparency = 1 }, { Position = nil, Transparency = 1, Color = Color3_new(1, 1, 1) } local Size, Size2, DefaultRoot, Up, ShootAt, BeamWorldModel, CanBeam, Loop = Vector3_new(1), Vector3_new(0, 1, 1), CFrame_Angles(pi2, pi, 0), Vector3_new(0, -5), Handle.Position, Instance.new("WorldModel", script), true, false GearEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Who, State) if Who == owner then if typeof(State) == "boolean" then Loop = State if CanBeam then CanBeam = false RootPart.Anchored = true local Volume = .05 VineBoom.Volume = Volume local CoolDown = .5 while Loop and Volume < 20 and Gear.Parent == Character do local HandlePos = Handle.Position VineBoom.Parent = Handle VineBoom.Parent = nil Volume = Volume + .025 VineBoom.Volume = Volume local Volume2 = Volume / 2 local ParticleAmount = Volume + 1 local Percentage = 100 - round(Volume / .02)/10 BeamBar.Size = UDim2_fromScale(Percentage * .0085, .35) BeamText.Text = Percentage.."%ϟ" local Beam = AttackParticle:Clone() local Distance = (HandlePos - ShootAt).magnitude local Displacement_X, Displacement_Y = random:NextNumber(-Volume, Volume), random:NextNumber(-Volume, Volume) local Displacement = Vector3_new(Displacement_X, Displacement_Y, random:NextNumber(-Volume, Volume)) CurrentPos = DefaultGuiPosition + UDim2_fromScale(Displacement_X * .05, Displacement_Y * .05) CurrentRot = 2.25 * ParticleAmount * (random:NextInteger(1, 0) * 2 - 1) RootJoint.C1 = CFrame_Angles(random:NextNumber(-Volume2, Volume2), random:NextNumber(-Volume2, Volume2), random:NextNumber(-Volume2, Volume2)) * DefaultRoot + Displacement + Up * Volume local Where = ShootAt + Displacement * math_log(Distance, 2) local CF = CFrame_lookAt(HandlePos, Where) local ShockCF = CF * ShockRotation local Color = Handle.Color local Shock = ReferenceShock:Clone() Shock.Color = Color Shock.CFrame = ShockCF local Mesh = Shock.Mesh local Scale = DefaultShockScale * ParticleAmount ShockTweenDict1.Scale = Scale * 20 Mesh.Scale = Scale local Shock2 = Shock:Clone() Shock2.CFrame = ShockCF Shock2.Mesh.Scale = Scale * 5 Shock2.Parent = Shock ShockTweenDict3.Position = Where TweenService:Create(Mesh, ShockTweenInfo, ShockTweenDict1):Play() TweenService:Create(Shock, ShockTweenInfo, ShockTweenDict2):Play() TweenService:Create(Shock2, BeamTweenInfo, ShockTweenDict3):Play() ParticleAttacment.WorldCFrame = CF CF = CF * AttackRotation + (Distance / 2 + 2) * CF.LookVector local Size = Size * Distance Beam.Size = Size Beam.CFrame = CF Beam.Color = Color Beam.Parent = script local Size2 = Size + Size2 * Volume * 5 BeamTweenDict.Size = Size2 Beam.Size = Size2 for i, v in ipairs(Beam:GetTouchingParts()) do local Model = v:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("Model") if Model and Model ~= Character then local Humanoid = Model:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid") if Humanoid then Humanoid:TakeDamage(Volume * 1000) Model:BreakJoints() end end end Beam.Size = Size TweenService:Create(Beam, BeamTweenInfo, BeamTweenDict):Play() Shock.Parent = BeamWorldModel Beam.Parent = Shock local H, S, V = Color3_toHSV(Color) local Bright = Color3_fromHSV(H, S / 4, 1) Epikparticle.Color = ColorSequence_new( { ColorSequenceKeypoint_new(0, Color), ColorSequenceKeypoint_new(1, Bright) } ) Epikparticle.Speed = NumberRange_new(ParticleAmount * 10, ParticleAmount * 40) Epikparticle:Emit(ParticleAmount * 50) Epikparticle.Acceleration = Vector3_new(0, (ParticleAmount / 2 + .5) * -60, 0) Debris:AddItem(Shock, .5) if Loop then wait(CoolDown) end CoolDown = CoolDown * .9 end RootJoint.C1 = DefaultRoot BeamBar.Size = UDim2_fromScale(.85, .35) BeamText.Text = "100%ϟ" Song:Destroy() Song = Instance.new("Sound", RightArm) Song.Looped = true Song.Name = "DESTROYEROFWORLDS" Song.SoundId = "rbxassetid://1608310113" Song.Volume = 2 Song.PlaybackSpeed = 1 Song.Playing = Gear.Parent == Character Song.TimePosition = SongAt Instance.new("FlangeSoundEffect", Song) RootPart.Anchored = false CanBeam = true end elseif typeof(State) == "number" then Loudness = State else local Distance = (Handle.Position - State).magnitude if Distance < 800 then ShootAt = State else ShootAt = Handle.Position + CFrame_lookAt(Handle.Position, State).LookVector * 800 end end end end) NLS([[ local Gear = script.Parent local GearEvent = Gear.GearEvent local Mouse = owner:GetMouse() local Character = owner.Character local Visualise = Character["Right Arm"] local Loop Gear.Activated:Connect(function() Loop = true GearEvent:FireServer(Mouse.Hit.Position) GearEvent:FireServer(true) while Loop do GearEvent:FireServer(Mouse.Hit.Position) wait(.1) end GearEvent:FireServer(false) end) Gear.Equipped:Connect(function() while Gear.Parent == Character do GearEvent:FireServer(Visualise:WaitForChild("DESTROYEROFWORLDS").PlaybackLoudness / 100) wait(.1) end end) Mouse.Button1Up:Connect(function() Loop = false end) ]], Gear) local ins = table.insert local Guis = table.create(20) pi = pi / 8 for i = 1, 20 do local T = Gui:Clone() local Transparency = i / 20 local ZIndex = 21 - i local UserPic = T.UserPic UserPic.ImageTransparency = Transparency UserPic.BackgroundTransparency = Transparency UserPic.ZIndex = ZIndex local _UserPic = T._UserPic _UserPic.BackgroundTransparency = Transparency * .5 + .5 _UserPic.ZIndex = ZIndex local Main = T.Main Main.BackgroundTransparency = Transparency *.1 + .9 Main.ZIndex = ZIndex local PlayerName = Main.PlayerName PlayerName.TextTransparency = Transparency PlayerName.ZIndex = ZIndex local Bar = Main.BeamBar Bar.BackgroundTransparency = Transparency Bar.ZIndex = ZIndex local BeamText = Bar.BeamText BeamText.TextTransparency = Transparency BeamText.TextStrokeTransparency = Transparency BeamText.ZIndex = ZIndex T.ZIndex = ZIndex ins(Guis, T) T.Parent = _Gui end RunService.Stepped:Connect(function(Time) Time = (Time/5 % 1) * pi_2 local Position = CurrentPos:Lerp(DefaultGuiPosition + UDim2_fromScale(cos(Time) * .025, cos(Time * 2 - pi2) * .0625), .1) CurrentPos = Position local Rotation = CurrentRot * .9 + cos(Time + pi2) * 1.125 CurrentRot = Rotation for i, v in ipairs(Guis) do local TempP, TempR = v.Position, v.Rotation v.Position, v.Rotation = Position, Rotation Position, Rotation = TempP, TempR end end)